Sports Massage Perth

Sports Massage Perth

Yes, we’ve got a thing for athletes…And we’re not ashamed to admit it.

Sports massage therapy involves a number of target-specific techniques intended to:

  • Enhance the muscular system
  • Enable faster healing from injuries and strain
  • Allow for harder training programs due to greater physical stability

Sports massage zeroes in on the specific areas of the body that are displaying agitation or injury due to sports related activities.

Sports massage Perth techniques employed at Bodyright Massage glean the previously mentioned results by producing the following bodily reactions:

  • Increased blood flow, which in turn carries much needed nutrients to injured areas
  • Inspiring and assisting the release and flow of lymphatic fluids (fluids designed to filter undesirable elements from your body), increasing the removal of unnecessary elements and reducing overall swelling
  • Diffuses the growth of scar tissue by stimulating the growth of new, healthy tissue

Don’t worry, sports massage Perth  isn’t just for athletes. Many people who have physically demanding jobs, tend to be on their feet a lot, practice moderate exercise routines just to stay in shape, or tend to simply have a “trouble area” due to normal wear and tear can see the same kind of beneficial results athletes do from these massage techniques.

Warning: If you feel a slight ache or twinge in your body while you’re exercising, don’t just “tough it out” and finish the workout. These minor alerts are your body’s way of saying “Hey, something’s wrong down here!”

Give your body the respect it deserves, and take a break before you do some real damage that can’t be so easily rectified.

For all of your Massage needs call us to make an appointment or book online here.